The idea that diet soda can harm your bones is based on several factors related to its ingredients and how they interact with the body. While diet soda itself doesn’t directly “destroy” bones, excessive or frequent consumption may contribute to weaker bones over time due to certain components like phosphoric acid, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners. Here’s a deeper dive into why this concern exists:
1. Less sugar cravings
Since most diet sodas rely on aspartame as a substitute for real sugar, you’d be forgiven for thinking the drinks won’t affect your sugar cravings. Wrong. Nutrition and fitness expert Dr. Melina Jampolis explains: “Sweet tastes cause insulin release, lowering blood sugar. Without carbs, blood sugar drops, triggering hunger and cravings.”
2. Fewer cravings overall
Nutritionist Isabel Smith explains how artificial sweeteners mess with our sense of fullness: “Our bodies get used to a lot of calories from sweet stuff, and these sweeteners are, like, 400 to 8,000 times sweeter than sugar.” She continues, “Your stomach muscles relax so you can eat, and hormones kick in.” Artificial sweeteners may make you crave high-calorie foods.
3. You might actually lose weight
Switching to diet soda to aid weight loss can actually make it harder to lose weight due to bloating and cravings. Research links diet soda to metabolic syndrome, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes; it’s better to cut out the soda.
4. You’ll taste more food
Artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can alter your taste buds, making it harder to appreciate full flavors. As a result, you’ll notice your taste buds change after giving up diet soda, including being able to appreciate how sweet things really are.
5. Your Immune System May Improve
Researchers now believe diet sodas affect metabolism, cravings, and sugar intake. Isabel Smith says they can also affect “healthy gut bacteria” and how your body processes blood sugar and your immune system.
6. Stronger bones
Research is still in its early stages, but studies show that drinking just one diet soda a day can increase your risk of a hip fracture by 14%. Drinking a lot of soda is linked to lower bone density, so cutting out the fizz could give you healthier bones!
7. You won’t get drunk as easily
This is for people who mix diet soda with alcohol. You may get drunk faster because diet soda goes through your system faster than regular soda. Switching to other alternatives could mean you can party longer.
8. Healthier Kidneys
Optimal kidney function is important. The ingredients in diet soda can be hard on your kidneys. When your kidneys aren’t busy, your body can more efficiently eliminate toxins and stabilize blood sugar levels.