1. Knees Together, Feet Spread:
# These type of people are mostly more innovative and talented people.
# They can affect people emotions easily
# They don’t think long enough about their decisions which can be troublesome often.
# They are adventurous and they are ready to try any crazy adventures.
# They can easily build a friendship with anyone and they end their relations quicker than average.
2. Legs Crossed One Over the Other:
# They are very imaginary
# They often lose themselves in their imaginations
# They are social, they build friendship easily
# They are running away quickly from those people that they don’t like
# They are good listeners
# They care about their emotions more than others.
3. Legs Spread Apart:
# They are clumsy
# They are having trouble to collect themselves
# Their mind is always busy
# They sometimes talk without thinking too much about it
# They get bored soon
# They don’t pay close attention to their surroundings
# They are beloved
# They get bored in their relation too quickly and they always need someone to support them
4. Knees and Feet Together, Facing Straight:
# They are smart
# They are more logical
# They fulfill their promises
# They dress stylishly
# They organize their home well
# They are secret keepers
# They are honest
# They keep calm and don’t react too quickly
5. Legs at an Angle, Ankles Crossed or Uncrossed
# They care about their goals
# They appreciate their career
# They always look for more
# They set good priorities
# They always plan for everything even their relation life
# They are perfectionist
# They care about their appearance
# They keep seeking to achieve more of their goals
You might not even realize that your go-to sitting position is a subconscious action that you do all the time. These handful of poses only scratch the surface, but you will probably find some grains of truth in their meanings. Have fun checking out your sitting pattern and those of the people you know!
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