One day while en route to work, a man stumbled upon six tiny creatures in need of assistance. He was unsure of their species, but they were congregated together in the forest with no mother in sight. Their skin had a distinct pink hue, but the man was fortunate enough to bring them to a shelter for aid.
Upon their arrival at the animal sanctuary in Sylacauga, Alabama, the staff was tasked with aiding the small group. Nicole Zaguroli, representing Secondly City Canine Rescue (SCCR), a nonprofit rescue organization in Illinois, informed The Dodo that the puppies were so malnourished, cold, and afflicted with scabies that the sanctuary staff had to wear masks to bathe them due to their foul odor. Initially, the shelter personnel suspected the pups were a blend of Cocker Spaniel breeds. However, after observing them on social media, Jacquie Cobb, president of SCCR, was determined to assist.
The puppies were taken to Auburn Veterinary College where they received prompt medical care and attention. Now, the predicament was deciding what breed to indicate in their online adoption advertisements. Meanwhile, the puppies were dispersed among several foster homes.
Over time, white fur began to cover the previously damaged skin. The puppies underwent a DNA test, which revealed them to be purebred Great Pyrenees dogs! Thankfully, the puppies grew and thrived into fully-grown healthy dogs. Their adoptive families are preparing for each of the formerly tiny pups to weigh over 100 pounds. Wishing a happy life to all of these amazing dogs!