The story of Celeste, a loving mother dog, has touched individuals all over the internet. At the young age of 2, Celeste was abandoned when she became pregnant, despite being a calm, caring, and gentle creature. She was forced to give birth in an unsafe location and survive on the streets.
Due to her difficult circumstances, she became severely emaciated, yet did everything in her power to care for her adorable offspring.
Being a stray dog is a challenging existence, but having to give birth, feed, and care for five puppies makes it even more challenging. It is probable that Celeste and her puppies were severely undernourished. During the harsh winter, she utilized every nutrient she had to keep her babies fed and warm.
Elaine, Celeste’s foster mother, remarked that Celeste was “so thin, and those babies were just feeding like crazy, and she just fulfilled her role as a parent even though she was starving to death.”

Celeste’s five puppies were found to be in nearly perfect health despite their difficult early life. The toll of hunger was evident in Celeste’s appearance as she had struggled to keep her offspring alive. For more than five months, the devoted mother had done everything she could to keep her pups safe and healthy. It was now Celeste’s turn to receive attention.
According to the BC SPCA, Celeste would rather starve herself than allow her babies to go hungry. “It’s her turn to be loved because she’s given up everything to ensure her babies are safe after a difficult life outside.”

When Elaine Nelson-Hosak, a foster mom for BC SPCA, welcomed Celeste and her puppies into her home, it felt like fate. Celeste came into her life after the loss of her closest friend, and the timing seemed perfectly calculated. They needed each other. Who better than a canine companion to heal a wounded heart and provide Celeste and her puppies with the love and care they needed?

Subsequently, Celeste underwent a thorough “refeeding” plan to gradually and steadily gain weight and strength. Her body eagerly received six small, nutrient-dense meals per day, and she soon put on 90 pounds. The good news is that four of her five puppies have already found loving homes and reunited with their families.

It was evident from the way she responded to treatment and bonded with her foster mom that Celeste had found her forever home. Her family affectionately calls her “Momma,” and she now lives a pampered life, snuggling on the couch with her family and keeping warm by the fire. This is a far cry from her previous life on the streets. She is no longer wasting away and has found her true calling. Momma is now safe, warm, and deeply loved.