Chilling story of church-going mum who poisoned her own family when she grew to hate them
When Diane Staudte grew tired of her family, she decided to reach for the anti-freeze to solve her problems Church-going...
When Diane Staudte grew tired of her family, she decided to reach for the anti-freeze to solve her problems Church-going...
Arun Rajasingh's genetic disorder means his leg weighs a tonne - now he's pleading for help to combat his condition...
One of the most important lessons we learn when we are babies is to respect those older than us. This...
It’s truly remarkable the difference a haircut can make, especially for a dog. Many stray and neglected dogs go ungroomed,...
Jason was in control of a typical flight when he was surprised by abrupt, loud bangs on the window of...
Just like humans do, dogs can donate their blood to save other dogs in need. These life-saving pets are often...
For for two thousand years, theological scholars and historians have argued over what the appearance of the historical Jesus Christ...
Snakes are beautiful creatures to admire, and indeed, they are fascinating animals. However, it’s preferable if they stay in their...
Discovering a Lost Gem: The Thrilling Tale of a Billy the Kid Photograph Amateur antique collector Randy Guijarro sends a...
It’s always shocking to see the cruel ways some people abandon their pets. But thankfully, there are also kind people...