The woman attempted to comfort the frightened puppy she discovered on the roadside and successfully rescued him.
Assistance to those in need is a common occurrence among individuals and animals alike, as seen in a recent viral video.

The heartwarming video shows a puppy being rescued and taken from shivering conditions. The Buitengebieden tweeted video has captured the attention of numerous internet users.
In the video, a woman pulls over her car on a deserted road and notices a small, frightened puppy shivering near one of the car’s wheels. The woman reaches out to the puppy with tenderness, but the animal initially appears to be wary of her. By the end of the video, the puppy becomes accustomed to the woman and walks into her arms.

The video has been viewed by one million people since its posting, and has received 61,000 likes and numerous comments.
One commenter on Twitter stated, “The puppy is so frightened until he realizes she is there to help him, then he lights up at the end. I want to have a talk with whoever abandoned this sweet puppy.” Another commenter said, “It breaks my heart wondering what that poor baby must have been through at the hands of humans to be so scared.” A third commenter said, “Another great rescue. Hopefully the puppy will find a forever home.”
Watch the video below.