Belinha, an endearing canine, had been completely dedicated to her owner and closest companion, Telma Maria, for a span of four years. Although Belinha and Maria had to say their goodbyes recently, their profound attachment to one another remains unchanged.
Maria, who resided in Brazil, lost her prolonged struggle with cancer earlier this month. During her arduous battle and declining health, Belinha remained steadfastly by her side, providing Maria with much-needed solace and a source of positivity.

On the internet, Dionsio Neto wrote, “My mother referred to Belinha as her nurse.” Belinha was considered the most devoted companion.
As Belinha had played a substantial role in Maria’s life, it was appropriate for her to be present at her owner’s funeral. Alongside other family members, Belinha sat in a solemn manner, seemingly grasping the gravity of the somber event.